The Deutsche Seemannsmission (DSM) curated Life At Sea exhibitions touring Germany and Switzerland since 2023 continue to impress audiences as they tour cities across both countries.
The Life at Sea exhibition is a joint project between the ITF Seafarers’ Trust and the Deutsche Seemannsmission (DSM) which started in 2023 with an exhibition at the Kirchentag in Nürnberg, Germany and has been exhibited since in 17 different settings.
The images on display reflect the highs and lows of a seafaring life. Shared barbecues with crewmates and aspiring career advancement balance out against the challenges such as the pain of missing key family events or the risk of piracy, to mention only a few of the issues included.
During November and December the German exhibition was on display at the Elbeforum Brunsbüttel, with an opening event organised by DSM Brunsbüttel where guests could view the pictures and speak to DSM Brunsbüttel staff about seafarers and maritime life.
The exhibition is currently on display in the beautiful and historic Holy Trinity Stadtkirche in Bayreuth, Germany: The exhibition launched with a joint service for 'Sea Sunday' on 12 January with city church pastor Dr. Carsten Brall and DSM pastor Michael Thiedmann, and will be available to visit until 23 February.
In Switzerland, the exhibition is now located at the Christuskirche (Christchurch) in Allschwil-Schönenbuch until 28 February. Like the exhibition in Germany, the Swiss exhibition shows images and text from the 2022 Life At Sea competition with the original seafarers’ words displayed in both English and German.